Thursday, July 3, 2008

Face wash for acne for pregnant women and black currant oil acne

The fastest way, and natural way to cure your acne super fast, effectively and for the long term, you can do only one thing. Detoxification! Cleanse your body the right way and you are going to clear your acne so fast that your friends are not going to recognize you. Imagine being told in your face about your acne and getting praised and envied by others because of how nice you look without the zits a week later.
Most people with acne attempt to treat their irritated skin with external face washes, soaps, lotions and treatments. However, the best way to stamp out acne is by changing your diet and getting rid of acne-causing ingredients such as fried foods.
Maintain a healthy kitchen with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat foods containing healthy omega-3 oils such as ground flaxseeds, salmon, and sardines. Drink six to eight large glasses of water a day. Vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as chromium and zinc, all play a role in reducing and preventing acne. Avoid refined sugar, fried foods, and trans fat (such as milk, milk products, margarine, and any hydrogenated vegetable oils). Some people find that chocolate, caffeine, carbonated beverages, iodized salt, shellfish, wheat and/or milk products aggravate acne.
tags: high altitude skin care acne, itching chest pain acne, how to clear face from acne scars

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