Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne and getting off the pill and home remedies for acne redness

Wear a Honey Mask - Honey has natural antibacterial properties that have helped many people to be able to overcome an active breakout. Simply apply natural, raw honey to your face several times a week or mix it with salt water and apply on a daily basis. This will not only help to dry your skin, it will help to work on the acne from the inside out.
Some individuals are unable to tolerate benzoyl peroxide, yet they don't have to continue to be the victim of outbreaks of acne, regardless of the reason. Whether the cause is because of changes that are hormonal, for instance teenagers with acne or that experienced by numerous women during their pregnancy, or due to some condition of the skin that creates excessive amounts of oil within their hair follicles, an acne light treatment has the ability to prevent blemishes from appearing.
Whoever has said, 'like father, like son' or 'like mother like daughter,' must be referring to acne. That is because heredity plays a major role in causing acne. Besides hormone imbalance and heredity, cosmetics, poor diet habits and increasing levels of pollution are some other causative agents.
tags: homemade facial for acne and dry skin, getting rid of acne with home ingredients, acne products that began with d

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