Monday, August 4, 2008

Exposed acne treatment complaints and natural quick solution to acne

So I did the three day fast, and on the morning after the 3rd day I looked in the mirror and saw that my skin was pretty much clear. Impressive results! I enjoyed my clear skin for about a week, but then my skin started to breakout again. And within a few days my acne was back, and was as bad as ever...
I am really sorry to say, that to get rid of acne overnight, there are not many home remedies available. In fact, there are no miraculous remedies which can make you free from this nuisance even within a fortnight. To know why this is so, we must enquire into the causes of acne.
A much better approach to the problem is to stop acne at the root. This happens to be food. Certain foods cause hormonal imbalance, and certain foods balance hormones. Imbalanced hormones are what cause acne, so by changing your diet you can clear your skin. This has been the only way that has ever cleared my acne.
tags: how to get rid of white heads acne, how to treat bad acne, natural ways to remove acne marks

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